
Programming Voltage  
  1. Unmarked 1 item
  2. Hitachi 28 items
  3. NEC Corporation 23 items
  4. ST Microelectronics 19 items
  5. Analog Devices Inc 1 item
  6. Advanced Micro Devices 60 items
  7. ACTEL 3 items
  8. ALTERA 20 items
  9. AMI 1 item
  10. American Microsemiconductor Inc. 1 item
  11. ALTERA/MAX 2 items
  12. AT&T 1 item
  13. Atmel Corporation 8 items
  14. Asahi Keiki 1 item
  15. Benchmarq 1 item
  16. Benchmark Instruments Ltd 1 item
  17. Catalyst 3 items
  19. DALLAS 7 items
  20. Elantec 1 item
  21. EDI 1 item
  22. FAIRCHILD 17 items
  23. EXEL 7 items
  24. EPSON 2 items
  25. Fairchild Semiconductor. 1 item
  26. FUJITSU 14 items
  27. Fuji Electric 8 items
  28. FLASH 1 item
  29. FUJI 1 item
  30. Harris Corp 9 items
  31. Goldstar 2 items
  32. IDT 22 items
  33. Intel 33 items
  34. Inmos 7 items
  35. HYUNDAI 3 items
  36. INTERSIL 4 items
  37. INTEL FLASH 4 items
  38. ISSI 2 items
  39. LATTICE 9 items
  40. Linear Technology 1 item
  41. National Semiconductor Corp 10 items
  42. Matsushita 1 item
  43. Microchip 6 items
  44. Micron Tech 1 item
  45. MARCONI 1 item
  46. MMI 12 items
  47. MISC 1 item
  48. Mitsubishi 14 items
  49. Motorola 35 items
  50. MODICON / AEG 1 item
  51. MOSTEK 8 items
  52. MOSEL 2 items
  54. MOSEL-VIT 2 items
  55. Texas Instruments 45 items
  56. NAT 3 items
  57. MT 3 items
  59. NEC 1 item
  60. Philips 3 items
  61. NexFlash Technology Inc 1 item
  62. NEMATRON 1 item
  63. OKI 3 items
  64. Philco 1 item
  65. PLX 1 item
  66. PLX TECH 1 item
  67. RCA 7 items
  68. Samsung 10 items
  69. ROHM 1 item
  70. RENESAS 1 item
  71. SEEQ 1 item
  72. SGS-THOMPSON 2 items
  73. SHARP 6 items
  74. Sarasota Semi 1 item
  75. SIG 1 item
  76. Siemens 5 items
  77. SIGNETICS 12 items
  78. SIMTEK 1 item
  79. SSS 2 items
  80. SMC 1 item
  81. Sony 6 items
  82. SYNERTEK 2 items
  83. Toshiba 23 items
  84. UMC 3 items
  85. XICOR 6 items
  86. WS, INCI 1 item
  87. XILINX 1 item
  88. WINBOND 1 item
  89. ZMD 3 items
Unit of Measure  
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Items 121-144 of 625

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  1. Toshiba - TMM27128AD-15 - IC, memory. 16,384 Word x 8 Bit.
    Toshiba - TMM27128AD-15 - IC, memory. 16,384 Word x 8 Bit.
    IC, memory. 16,384 Word x 8 Bit. UV-Erasable. Package: 28 Dip. Used/Removed from equipment. Learn More
  2. Toshiba - TC551001BPL-85 - DIP NEW
    Toshiba - TC551001BPL-85 - DIP NEW
    Special Price $7.49 Regular Price $10.00
  3. Texas Instruments - TMS4256-12NL - IC, memory. DRAM 262,144-Bit.
    Texas Instruments - TMS4256-12NL - IC, memory. DRAM 262,144-Bit.
    Special Price $2.98 Regular Price $4.00 As low as $1.98

    Texas Instruments - TMS4256-12NL - 262K DRAM

    Status: Discontinued




    Learn More
  4. Texas Instruments - TMS27C256-2JL - IC, memory. 32768 x 8 Bit. Used.
    Texas Instruments - TMS27C256-2JL - IC, memory. 32768 x 8 Bit. Used.
    IC, memory. 32768 x 8 Bit. Programmable read only memory. Package 28 Cdip. Used/Removed from equipment. Note: UV Erasable. Learn More
  5. Texas Instruments - TMS4016-25NL - IC, Memory. SRAM 2048-word bt 8 Bit.
    Texas Instruments - TMS4016-25NL - IC, Memory. SRAM 2048-word bt 8 Bit.
    Special Price $3.98 Regular Price $8.50 As low as $2.98

    Texas Instruments - TMS4016-25NL - IC, Memory. 

    Status: Discontinued

    SRAM 2048-word bt 8 Bit.

    Package: 24 Dip, Tarnished Leads.

    Note: Used/Removed from equipment.

    Vintage, Rare & Old.

    Learn More
  6. Toshiba - TC518512AF-70 - IC, memory. Pseudo static DRAM.
    Toshiba - TC518512AF-70 - IC, memory. Pseudo static DRAM.
    IC, memory. Pseudo static DRAM. Auto/self refresh by intl tmr. 512K x 8. Speed: 70ns. 3 state. Package: 32 SO SMD wide. Learn More
  7. Toshiba - TC524256P-10 - IC, memory. Multiport DRAM. Used.
    Toshiba - TC524256P-10 - IC, memory. Multiport DRAM. Used.
    IC, memory. Multiport DRAM 266,144 Words x 4 Bit. Silicon gate CMOS. Package: 28 Dip. Used/Removed from equipment. Learn More
  8. Texas Instruments - TMS27C256-2JL - IC, memory. 32768 x 8 Bit. Used.
    Texas Instruments - TMS27C256-2JL - IC, memory. 32768 x 8 Bit. Used.
    IC, memory. 32768 x 8 Bit. Programmable read only memory. Package 28 Cdip. Used/Removed from equipment. Note: UV Erasable. Learn More
  9. Texas Instruments - TMS27C256-15JL - IC, memory. 32768 x 8 Bit. Used.
    Texas Instruments - TMS27C256-15JL - IC, memory. 32768 x 8 Bit. Used.
    IC, memory. 32768 x 8 Bit. Programmable read only memory. Package 28 Cdip. Used/Removed from equipment. Note: UV Erasable. Learn More
  10. Texas Instruments - TMS27C256-150JL - IC, memory. 32768 x 8 Bit. Used.
    Texas Instruments - TMS27C256-150JL - IC, memory. 32768 x 8 Bit. Used.
    IC, memory. 32768 x 8 Bit. Programmable read only memory. Package 28 Cdip. Used/Removed from equipment. Note: UV Erasable. Learn More
  11. Texas Instruments - TMS2764-20JL - PULLS 28-CeramicDIP VERY NICE
    Texas Instruments - TMS2764-20JL - PULLS 28-CeramicDIP VERY NICE
    Special Price $3.71 Regular Price $4.95
    PULLS 28-CDIP VERY NICE may even be preprogrammed for customers' convenience Learn More
  12. Toshiba - TC5561P-55 - IC, CMOS. SRAM 1 Bit. 65K Word, 55ns.
    Toshiba - TC5561P-55 - IC, CMOS. SRAM 1 Bit. 65K Word, 55ns.
    IC, CMOS, memory. SRAM 1 Bit. 65K Word, 55ns. Package: 22 Dip. Learn More
  13. Texas Instruments - TMS4044-45NL - IC, memory. SRAM 4096 x 1 Bit. Used.
    Texas Instruments - TMS4044-45NL - IC, memory. SRAM 4096 x 1 Bit. Used.
    Special Price $1.49 Regular Price $2.50
    IC, memory. SRAM 4096 x 1 Bit. Package: 18 Dip, white test dots. Tarnished. Used/Removed from equipment. Learn More
  14. Texas Instruments - TMS29F816-06FML - Memory, ASIC. PLCC EEPROM, Flash Menory
    Texas Instruments - TMS29F816-06FML - Memory, ASIC. PLCC EEPROM, Flash Menory
    Special Price $15.95 Regular Price $24.00
    IC, memory. EEPROM with 4 Flash memory. 16,384-bit SCOPE - DIARY JTAG. IEEE 1149.1. 2K x 8-bit Flash Memory. TCK freq: 6.25MHz. Case: PLCC. Learn More
  15. Texas Instruments - TMS4050JL - 16-CDIP DRAM 4K X 1 300NS NMOS
    Texas Instruments - TMS4050JL - 16-CDIP DRAM 4K X 1 300NS NMOS
    Special Price $2.81 Regular Price $3.75
    16-Ceramic DIP DRAM 4K X 1 300NS NMOS Learn More
  16. Texas Instruments - TMS4030JL - PULLS "SILVER" 22 PIN DIP
    Texas Instruments - TMS4030JL - PULLS "SILVER" 22 PIN DIP
    Special Price $4.50 Regular Price $6.00
    PULLS "SILVER" 22 PIN DIP Learn More
  17. Texas Instruments - TIBPAL20L8-25CFN - IC, memory. PAL Circuit.
    Texas Instruments - TIBPAL20L8-25CFN - IC, memory. PAL Circuit.
    IC, memory. PAL Circuit. 14 Inputs / 2 Outputs. One time. Package: 28 PLCC SMD. Learn More
  18. Texas Instruments - SNJ54148J - IC, TTL. 8 Line to 3 line priority encoder.
    Texas Instruments - SNJ54148J - IC, TTL. 8 Line to 3 line priority encoder.
    IC, TTL. 8 Line to 3 line priority encoder. Package: 16 Cdip. Note: Military NSN 5962-01-140-9848. Double marked 54148/BEBJC. Military stamped 3002-24. Learn More
  19. Texas Instruments - TIBPAL20X10-20CNT - IC, memory. Fuse-PAL.
    Texas Instruments - TIBPAL20X10-20CNT - IC, memory. Fuse-PAL.
    IC, memory. Fuse-Programmable array logic device (FPAL). EX-OR,10 Registered. 20 Inputs. 10 Outputs. 3 State. Package: 24 Dip. Learn More
  20. Texas Instruments - TIBPAL20L8-15CFN - IC, memory. PAL Circuit.
    Texas Instruments - TIBPAL20L8-15CFN - IC, memory. PAL Circuit.
    Special Price $1.50 Regular Price $2.00
    IC, memory. PAL Circuit. Package: PLCC. Learn More
  21. Texas Instruments - SN74AS870NT - Register File (Static RAM) new dip
    Texas Instruments - SN74AS870NT - Register File (Static RAM) new dip
    Special Price $7.49 Regular Price $9.99
    Register File (Static RAM) - Dual 16 x 4 reg file new dip. Learn More
  22. Texas Instruments - TBP24SA10N - 256X1 PROM PDIP NEW
    Texas Instruments - TBP24SA10N - 256X1 PROM PDIP NEW
    Special Price $3.95 Regular Price $5.26
    256X1 PROM PDIP NEW Learn More
  23. Texas Instruments - TIBPAL20L8-25CNL - IC, memory. PAL Circuit.
    Texas Instruments - TIBPAL20L8-25CNL - IC, memory. PAL Circuit.
    Special Price $1.50 Regular Price $2.00
    IC, memory. PAL Circuit. Package: PLCC. Learn More
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Items 121-144 of 625

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