
Programming Voltage  
  1. Unmarked 1 item
  2. Hitachi 28 items
  3. NEC Corporation 23 items
  4. ST Microelectronics 19 items
  5. Analog Devices Inc 1 item
  6. Advanced Micro Devices 60 items
  7. ACTEL 3 items
  8. ALTERA 20 items
  9. AMI 1 item
  10. American Microsemiconductor Inc. 1 item
  11. ALTERA/MAX 2 items
  12. AT&T 1 item
  13. Atmel Corporation 8 items
  14. Asahi Keiki 1 item
  15. Benchmarq 1 item
  16. Benchmark Instruments Ltd 1 item
  17. Catalyst 3 items
  19. DALLAS 7 items
  20. Elantec 1 item
  21. EDI 1 item
  22. FAIRCHILD 17 items
  23. EXEL 7 items
  24. EPSON 2 items
  25. Fairchild Semiconductor. 1 item
  26. FUJITSU 14 items
  27. Fuji Electric 8 items
  28. FLASH 1 item
  29. FUJI 1 item
  30. Harris Corp 9 items
  31. Goldstar 2 items
  32. IDT 22 items
  33. Intel 33 items
  34. Inmos 7 items
  35. HYUNDAI 3 items
  36. INTERSIL 4 items
  37. INTEL FLASH 4 items
  38. ISSI 2 items
  39. LATTICE 9 items
  40. Linear Technology 1 item
  41. National Semiconductor Corp 10 items
  42. Matsushita 1 item
  43. Microchip 6 items
  44. Micron Tech 1 item
  45. MARCONI 1 item
  46. MMI 12 items
  47. MISC 1 item
  48. Mitsubishi 14 items
  49. Motorola 35 items
  50. MODICON / AEG 1 item
  51. MOSTEK 8 items
  52. MOSEL 2 items
  54. MOSEL-VIT 2 items
  55. Texas Instruments 45 items
  56. NAT 3 items
  57. MT 3 items
  59. NEC 1 item
  60. Philips 3 items
  61. NexFlash Technology Inc 1 item
  62. NEMATRON 1 item
  63. OKI 3 items
  64. Philco 1 item
  65. PLX 1 item
  66. PLX TECH 1 item
  67. RCA 7 items
  68. Samsung 10 items
  69. ROHM 1 item
  70. RENESAS 1 item
  71. SEEQ 1 item
  72. SGS-THOMPSON 2 items
  73. SHARP 6 items
  74. Sarasota Semi 1 item
  75. SIG 1 item
  76. Siemens 5 items
  77. SIGNETICS 12 items
  78. SIMTEK 1 item
  79. SSS 2 items
  80. SMC 1 item
  81. Sony 6 items
  82. SYNERTEK 2 items
  83. Toshiba 23 items
  84. UMC 3 items
  85. XICOR 6 items
  86. WS, INCI 1 item
  87. XILINX 1 item
  88. WINBOND 1 item
  89. ZMD 3 items
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Items 49-72 of 625

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  1. National Semiconductor Corp - PAL20L8ANC - IC, memory. PAL.
    National Semiconductor Corp - PAL20L8ANC - IC, memory. PAL.
    IC, memory. Programmable logic array, series 24. Case: 24 Dip. Learn More
  2. Motorola - MCM6726BWJ10 - IC, memory. SRAM. Perfect Pulls.
    Motorola - MCM6726BWJ10 - IC, memory. SRAM. Perfect Pulls.
    IC, memory. SRAM 128K x 8 Bit, fast 10ns. Single port. Package: 400 mil 32 SOJ SMD. Note: Perfect socket pulls. Used/Removed from equipment. Learn More
  3. Motorola - MCM4116BP20 - IC, memory. DRAM 16,384 Bit.
    Motorola - MCM4116BP20 - IC, memory. DRAM 16,384 Bit.
    IC, memory. DRAM 16,384 Bit. Package: 16 Dip. New. Learn More
  4. Motorola - MCM91000L70 - IC. DRAM. 30 Sip.
    Motorola - MCM91000L70 - IC. DRAM. 30 Sip.
    IC. DRAM. Number of Words=1M, Bits Per Word=9, 70ns, 3 state output, 5.4 watt, tW Min (S)=130n. Supply voltage: 5V. Package: 30 Sip. (9 IC's MCM511000AJ70 MOT9128). Learn More
  5. Motorola - MCM66710C - IC. Character Generator, 128 x (9 x 7) , 24 Pin CDIP
    Motorola - MCM66710C - IC. Character Generator, 128 x (9 x 7) , 24 Pin CDIP
    Special Price $22.98 Regular Price $28.50 As low as $19.98

    Motorola - MCM66710C IC.

    8K Read only memory, row select character generator, 7 x 9 matrix.

    Charactor Generator 128 x (9 x 7) ASCII, Shifted

    Access Time: 350 nS Max.

    Power Supply: 5V

    Package: 24 Ceramic DIP.

    Authentic Motorola - New Old Stock

    Alternate: Nitron NC6571

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  6. Motorola - MCM6227BWJ25 - IC, memory. SRAM 1M x 1 Bit. Used.
    Motorola - MCM6227BWJ25 - IC, memory. SRAM 1M x 1 Bit. Used.
    IC, memory. SRAM 1M x 1 Bit. Speed 25ns. Package: 28 SOJ SMD. Used/Removed from equipment. Learn More
  7. MOSTEK - MK4008P-6 - IC. Dynamic RAM 16-Cdip.
    MOSTEK - MK4008P-6 - IC. Dynamic RAM 16-Cdip.
    IC. Dynamic RAM. Package: 16 Cdip, gold. Leads are tarnishing from age. Learn More
  8. MODICON / AEG - AS-S902-171 - 984 Series EXEC I/O MODULE only - PROM CARD for AS-S902-171, New
    MODICON / AEG - AS-S902-171 - 984 Series EXEC I/O MODULE only - PROM CARD for AS-S902-171, New
    Special Price $74.98 Regular Price $124.95

    MODICON / AEG - AS-S902-171 - EXEC. I/O MODULE 984 Series PROM COMB.

    1010 for Modicon Modbus Plus AS-S902-171.

    New, in Bag.

    Sealed Module has Gold Plated PC Card.

    New - Made in USA

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  9. Linear Technology - LT1364CS8 - IC, operational amplifier. Dual 70MHZ.
    Linear Technology - LT1364CS8 - IC, operational amplifier. Dual 70MHZ.
    Special Price $9.98 Regular Price $12.00 As low as $6.98

    Analog Devices - Linear Technology - LT1364CS8 - Operational Amplifier (Op-Amp) IC,

    No. of Amplifiers:2, Op Amp

    Type:High Speed,

    Gain Bandwidth -3db:70MHz,

    Slew Rate:1000V/s,

    Supply Voltage Min:36V,

    Supply Voltage Max:36V,

    New 8-SMD

    RoHS Yes

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  10. ISSI - IS61C1024-20J - IC, memory. CMOS SRAM 128K x 8.
    ISSI - IS61C1024-20J - IC, memory. CMOS SRAM 128K x 8.
    IC, memory. CMOS SRAM 128K x 8. Package: 32 SOJ SMD. Used/Removed from equipment. Integrated Silicon Solutions Inc. Learn More
  11. INTERSIL - IM65X61CJN - IC, CMOS. Ram 1024 (256 x 4) Bit.
    INTERSIL - IM65X61CJN - IC, CMOS. Ram 1024 (256 x 4) Bit.
    IC, CMOS, memory. Ram 1024 (256 x 4) Bit. Package: 22 Cdip. New. Learn More
  12. INTEL - P2764A - IC, Eprom. Used.
    INTEL - P2764A - IC, Eprom. Used.
    IC, Eprom. Package: 28 dip, socket pulls. Learn More
  13. INMOS - IMS1421S50 - IC, memory. SRAM 4K x 4.
    INMOS - IMS1421S50 - IC, memory. SRAM 4K x 4.
    IC, memory. SRAM 4K x 4. Package: 20 Cdip gold leads. Learn More
  14. IDT - IDT7027S25PF - IC, memory. SRAM 32K x 16.
    IDT - IDT7027S25PF - IC, memory. SRAM 32K x 16.
    IC, memory. SRAM 32K x 16 dual-port, high speed 25ns. Package: 100 TQFP SMD Learn More
  15. INTEL - D8202A - IC, memory. DRAM controller, 8 Bit. Used.
    INTEL - D8202A - IC, memory. DRAM controller, 8 Bit. Used.
    Special Price $16.98 Regular Price $20.00 As low as $14.98

    INTEL - D8202A IC, memory. DRAM controller, 8 Bit. Package: 40 Cdip.

    Bus Compatibility:            8080A; 8085A; IPAX88; IPAX86 FAMILY

    Length: 52.325 mm DIP 40

    Package Body Material: CERAMIC, GLASS-SEALED

    Power Supplies: 5 V

    Seated Height-Max:        5.72 mm,

    Supply Current-Max:      270 mA

    Supply Voltage-Max:      5.5 V

    Supply Voltage-Min:       4.5 V

    Supply Voltage-Nom:     5 V

    Technology:       CMOS

    Temperature Grade:      COMMERCIAL

    Terminal Pitch:  2.54 mm

    Socket pulls. Used/Removed from equipment.

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  16. FUJITSU - MB8128-10 - IC, Memory. 16K NMOS SRAM (2048 x 8).
    FUJITSU - MB8128-10 - IC, Memory. 16K NMOS SRAM (2048 x 8).
    Special Price $8.98 Regular Price $10.00 As low as $6.98

    FUJITSU - MB8128-10 - IC, Memory.

    The MB8128 from Fujitsu Is a high performance part, designed for high speed and low system power requirements. The high speed Is obtained byadvanced NMOS processing. The low system power requirements are achieved by the use of the MB8128 chip-enable (active low). The MB8128 automatically enters standby operation drawing only ISB whenever the chip enable Is high.

    16K NMOS SRAM (2048 x 8).

    2K X 8 STANDARD SRAM, 100 ns

    Operating Temperature: 0 - 70 Deg C.

    Package: 24 Dip.

    Applications: For video memory in older computers

    Genuine Fujitsu - New Old Stock 

    Made in Japan

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  17. FUJITSU - MB81C4256-12PSZ - IC, memory. CMOS, DRAM 70ns Page Mode Cycle.
    FUJITSU - MB81C4256-12PSZ - IC, memory. CMOS, DRAM 70ns Page Mode Cycle.
    IC, memory. CMOS, DRAM 70ns Page Mode Cycle. Package: 20 Pin staggered leads, Zip. Learn More
  18. FAIRCHILD - 93425A - IC, Memory. SRAM 1024 x 1 Bit.
    FAIRCHILD - 93425A - IC, Memory. SRAM 1024 x 1 Bit.
    Special Price $4.98 Regular Price $6.00

    FAIRCHILD - 93425A - IC, Memory.

    SRAM 1024 x 1 Bit.

    Package: 16 Dip.

    NSN 5962-01-047-7408 


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  19. FAIRCHILD - M38510/23102BEB - IC, memory. SRAM 1024 x 1 bits.
    FAIRCHILD - M38510/23102BEB - IC, memory. SRAM 1024 x 1 bits.
    IC, memory. SRAM 1024 x 1 bits. Package: 16 Cdip. Note: Military cross 93425. Learn More
  20. FAIRCHILD - 93446PC - IC, memory. PROM.
    FAIRCHILD - 93446PC - IC, memory. PROM.
    IC, memory. 512 x 4-Bit Programmable read only memory. Package: 16 Dip. New. Learn More
  21. FAIRCHILD - 21L021PC - IC, Memory. SRAM. 1K, 450ns. Used/Removed from Equipment.
    FAIRCHILD - 21L021PC - IC, Memory. SRAM. 1K, 450ns. Used/Removed from Equipment.
    Special Price $2.49 Regular Price $3.50 As low as $1.49

    FAIRCHILD - 21L021PC IC, Memory.

    Status: Discontinued

    1024 X 1 Static Ram

    SRAM. 1K, 450ns.

    Dissipation: 150mW.

    Supply Voltage: 5V.

    Extended Temerature Range 

    Package: 16 Dip, Clean Socket Pulls.

    Note: New Memory pulled from socket due to Processor change.

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