Signal Diodes

Capacitance pF  
DC Voltage  
  1. !@ 1 item
  2. Unmarked 71 items
  3. Hitachi 1 item
  4. ST Microelectronics 14 items
  5. AEG\TFK 1 item
  6. AEG 7 items
  7. Advanced Power Technology 1 item
  8. BKC INTER'L 1 item
  9. Allen Bradley - AB 2 items
  10. Alpha Indust 2 items
  11. Allegro 1 item
  12. AKK 1 item
  13. Ampex 6 items
  14. AQIM 3 items
  15. ASI 1 item
  16. AVX 1 item
  17. Avago Technologies 1 item
  18. BKC 2 items
  19. BBC 1 item
  20. Central Semi 7 items
  21. CDKF 6 items
  22. CGG 1 item
  23. CDWR 1 item
  24. CDBV 1 item
  25. CCZK 3 items
  26. CEJL 1 item
  27. CCUR 1 item
  28. CIT 1 item
  29. Columbus 2 items
  31. Crydom 3 items
  32. CSQ 1 item
  33. CSR 1 item
  34. EDAL 5 items
  35. DII 37 items
  36. EDI 4 items
  37. EIC 2 items
  38. FAIRCHILD 26 items
  39. ETC 1 item
  40. EUPEC 2 items
  41. ESTEL CCCP 1 item
  42. ERIE TECH 1 item
  43. Fairchild Semiconductor. 1 item
  44. Fairchild Optoelectronics 2 items
  45. FERRANTI 1 item
  46. FMC 1 item
  47. General Electric 45 items
  48. Fuji Electric 6 items
  49. G 1 item
  50. FLUKE 2 items
  51. FJP 1 item
  52. FJH 1 item
  53. G BK R 1 item
  54. General Instruments 71 items
  55. GI (AKK) 2 items
  56. GI/CAKK 1 item
  57. GENERAL SEMI 4 items
  58. Harris Corp 5 items
  59. H 1 item
  60. GS 3 items
  61. GULF SEMI 3 items
  62. Hewlett Packard 11 items
  63. HP/Agilent 1 item
  64. HV COMPONENT ASSOC 2 items
  65. INFINEON 3 items
  66. HUTSON 1 item
  67. IR 57 items
  68. International Semiconductor Inc 1 item
  69. ITT 10 items
  70. IXYS 6 items
  71. JAKK 1 item
  72. ITT/CIT 1 item
  73. Lambda 2 items
  74. MAJOR 12 items
  75. National Semiconductor Corp 5 items
  76. MIC/LYG 1 item
  77. MICROSEMI 5 items
  78. MICROMETRICS 1 item
  79. MCC 1 item
  80. Micro Commercial Co. 2 items
  81. MICRO SEMI/CCYL 1 item
  82. Mitsubishi 1 item
  83. Motorola 213 items
  84. MILITARY 5 items
  85. Microwave/Syl 1 item
  86. MICROWAVE ASSOC 2 items
  87. MICROWAVE 4 items
  88. MOT/IR 1 item
  89. Texas Instruments 3 items
  90. NAE 15 items
  91. MSC 12 items
  92. NAT 1 item
  93. MS 2 items
  94. MQSI 2 items
  95. NAE/CDKF 1 item
  96. MYDATA 1 item
  99. NTE Electronics Inc. 10 items
  100. Philips 9 items
  101. NTE Electronics Inc 2 items
  102. NXP Semiconductors 2 items
  103. Optek 1 item
  104. ON SEMI 12 items
  105. ON SEMICONDUCTOR 3 items
  106. PEP 1 item
  107. PD&E 1 item
  108. PAN JIT 1 item
  109. Sylvania 6 items
  110. Powerex. 8 items
  111. RAY 1 item
  112. RAYTHEON. 1 item
  113. RAYTHEON 3 items
  114. PTC 2 items
  115. RAMSEY 1 item
  116. RCA 15 items
  117. S 3 items
  118. ROHM 6 items
  119. RECTRON 8 items
  120. RCA/MOT/IR 1 item
  121. RSD 1 item
  122. Sanken 1 item
  123. SENSITRON 1 item
  124. SANREX 2 items
  125. SEMIKRON 9 items
  126. Semiconductor Technology Inc 1 item
  127. SEMTECH 4 items
  128. SEMCOR 1 item
  129. SEMICON 2 items
  130. SIEMANS/CCYL 2 items
  131. SI 2 items
  132. Sarkes-Tarzian 2 items
  133. SHINDENGER 1 item
  134. Siemens 3 items
  135. SIEMENS/CCZL 1 item
  136. SIEMENS/CYL 1 item
  137. Siliconix 7 items
  138. Silicon General/Microsemi 1 item
  139. ST 2 items
  140. Solitron 3 items
  141. Sprague 3 items
  142. SOD 2 items
  143. ST,TI,Transitron 1 item
  144. SYNERTEK 1 item
  145. Tektronix 5 items
  146. T 1 item
  147. Teccor 3 items
  148. TCI 1 item
  149. SYNTRON 1 item
  150. TAIWAN SEMI 2 items
  151. Toshiba 2 items
  152. Thompson Components 1 item
  153. TYCO/ M/A-COM 1 item
  154. Unitrode 28 items
  155. TRANSITRON 5 items
  156. TRW 5 items
  157. Unitrode/CDAS 5 items
  158. TS 1 item
  159. TRION INC 1 item
  160. UDYLITE 1 item
  161. UNITRODE/DAS 1 item
  162. TSC 1 item
  163. Varian 1 item
  164. USA CHS 1 item
  165. USAF/CWL 1 item
  166. VARO 9 items
  167. Vishay 13 items
  168. VMI 2 items
  169. VENUS SCIENTIFIC 1 item
  170. Western Electric 2 items
  171. Westcode 2 items
  172. Westinghouse 20 items
  173. Zenith 2 items
  174. Westinghouse Electric Co., LLC 1 item
  175. WILKINSON 1 item
Unit of Measure  
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Items 49-72 of 1049

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  1. General Instruments - RG2J - Diode. 2Amp 600V.
    General Instruments - RG2J - Diode. 2Amp 600V.
    Diode. 2Amp 600V. Fast recovery, 200ns. Package: DO-204AP axial leads. Learn More
  2. General Instruments - EGP30D - Diode. 3 Amp 200V. Package of 10.
    General Instruments - EGP30D - Diode. 3 Amp 200V. Package of 10.
    Special Price $3.98 Regular Price $5.00

    General Instruments - EGP30D Diode.

    3 Amp 200V Fast Recovery Switching Rectifier.

    Forward Voltage:0.950V.

    Case: DO-201 axial leads.

    RoHS compliant.

    Package of 10.

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  3. General Instruments - 1N4937 - Diode. 600V 1Amp. Package of 25.
    General Instruments - 1N4937 - Diode. 600V 1Amp. Package of 25.
    Special Price $2.98 Regular Price $4.00 As low as $1.98

    General Instruments - 1N4937 Diode.

    600V 1Amp.

    Fast recovery.

    Package: DO-41epoxy molded, axial leads.

    Operating temperature: -65 to 150 Deg C.

    Package of 25.

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  4. General Instruments - GI854 - Diode. 3Amp 400V, axial.
    General Instruments - GI854 - Diode. 3Amp 400V, axial.
    Diode. Voltage: 400VRRM, 280VRMS. Current: 3 Amp. Operating temperature: -50 to 150 Deg C. Material: plastic. Package: DO-201AD, axial leads. Note: Fast switching. Learn More
  5. General Instruments - GI851 - Diode. 3 Amp 100V, axial.
    General Instruments - GI851 - Diode. 3 Amp 100V, axial.
    Diode. Voltage: 100VRRM, 70VRMS. Current: 3 Amp. Operating temperature: -50 to 150 Deg C. Material: plastic. Package: DO-201AD, axial leads. Note: Fast switching. Learn More
  6. G BK R - 300U120A - 1200V 300Amp New Power silicon rectifier
    G BK R - 300U120A - 1200V 300Amp New Power silicon rectifier
    Special Price $79.95 Regular Price $90.00
    1200V 300Amp New Power silicon rectifier/diode large stud with braid tail DO205AB (DO-9) Manuf in Mexico Learn More
  7. EIC - 1N5404 - Diode, 400V 3Amp. DO-20AD
    EIC - 1N5404 - Diode, 400V 3Amp. DO-20AD
    Special Price $0.69 Regular Price $0.75 As low as $0.39

    EIC - 1N5404 Diode.

    High current capability, High surge current capability, High reliability, Low reverse current, Low forward voltage drop

    Peak Reverse Volatge: 400V

    Average Forward Current: 3Amp.

    Package: DO-20AD Axial Leads.

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  8. Central Semi - 1N5401 - Diode. 100V 3Amp. Package: axial leads.
    Central Semi - 1N5401 - Diode. 100V 3Amp. Package: axial leads.

    Central Semi - 1N5401 - Diode. 100V 3Amp. Package: axial leads.

    The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 1N5400 series types are axial lead silicon power rectifiers designed for power supply and general purpose rectifier applications.

    Repetitive Reverse Voltage: 100V

    DC Blocking Voltage: 100V

    RMS reverse Voltage: 70


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  9. Unidentified MFG - Diode 75V - Diodes, 75V silicon. Package of 100.
    Unidentified MFG - Diode 75V - Diodes, 75V silicon. Package of 100.
    Diodes, 75V silicon. Case: glass, axial leads. Package of 100. Learn More
  10. Motorola - 1N4933 - Diode. 50V 1Amp. Cut Leads. Package of 25.
    Motorola - 1N4933 - Diode. 50V 1Amp. Cut Leads. Package of 25.
    Special Price $3.98 Regular Price $5.00 As low as $2.98

    Motorola 1N4933 Diode.

    50V 1Amp.

    Fast Recovery.

    Package: DO-41 Axial, new with cut leads.

    Package of 25.

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  11. UNITRODE - UTR6440W - Diode. 9 Amp 400V. Fast recovery.
    UNITRODE - UTR6440W - Diode. 9 Amp 400V. Fast recovery.
    Special Price $19.95 Regular Price $25.95
    Diode. 9 Amp 400V. Fast recovery. Controlled avalanche. Only marked 6440. Package: gold 4/40 stud, hermetically sealed case. Complete with hardware. Note: silicon. Military NSN 5961-00-311-3004. Learn More
  12. UNITRODE - UTG1821 - Diode. Silicon FEAT axial leads.
    UNITRODE - UTG1821 - Diode. Silicon FEAT axial leads.
    Special Price $41.95 Regular Price $47.99
    Diode. Silicon FEAT axial leads. Boeing 479-1463-001 REV D, 12969.Military NSN 5961-012089898. Marked 1-463-144-3. Learn More
  13. TS - CH109AZ - Diode, military. 30Amp 150V.
    TS - CH109AZ - Diode, military. 30Amp 150V.
    Diode, military. 30Amp 150V peak reverse max. UNF silicon. Military NSN 5961-000869165. Case: Hermetically sealed. Cathode case. Used/RFE/Removed from equipment. Almost perfect condition. Learn More
  14. UNITRODE - UES705 - Diodes. 300V 20Amp. High Efficiency Aerospace Rectifier, DO-4 stud.
    UNITRODE - UES705 - Diodes. 300V 20Amp. High Efficiency Aerospace Rectifier, DO-4 stud.
    Special Price $24.98 Regular Price $28.50 As low as $22.98

    UNITRODE - UES705 - Diodes.

    The UES704 is Rectifiers Ultra Fast Rectifier (less than 100ns), that includes Screw Mounting Style, they are designed to operate with a DO-4-2 Package Case.

    Status: Discontinued

    Ratings: 300V 20Amp.

    Very Low Forward Voltage: 1.15V.

    Very Fast Recovery Time: 50ns.

    High Efficiency Aerospace Rectifier.

    Operating Temperature: -50 to 150 Deg C.

    Mounting Style / Case: DO-4 stud.

    Applications: Designed for operation in power switching circuits operating at frequencies of at least 20 KHz.

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  15. UNITRODE - JAN1N251 - Diode. 30V 5mA.
    UNITRODE - JAN1N251 - Diode. 30V 5mA.
    Diode. 30V 5mA. Package: axial leads. Note: Military JAN. Silicon. Learn More
  16. ST MICROELECTRONICS - STTH208 - Diode. 2Amp 800V. Ultra fast.
    ST MICROELECTRONICS - STTH208 - Diode. 2Amp 800V. Ultra fast.


    2Amp 800V.

    Ultra fast.

    Package: DO-15 Axial leads.

    Note: High Voltage.

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  17. SEMIKRON - SKN100/12 - Diode. 100Amp 1200V. Used. stud.
    SEMIKRON - SKN100/12 - Diode. 100Amp 1200V. Used. stud.
    Diode. 100Amp IFAV, 200Amp IFRMS 1200V. Package: DO-205 stud, Used/Removed from equipment. Note: Silicon. Anode to stud. Learn More
  18. SEMTECH - S2F - Diodes. Fast recovery 200V.
    SEMTECH - S2F - Diodes. Fast recovery 200V.
    Diodes. Fast recovery 200V, Io = 2.0 A. Case: axial leads. Learn More
  19. RECTRON - FM4007W-T - Diode. 1Amp 1KV. SMD. Package of 30.
    RECTRON - FM4007W-T - Diode. 1Amp 1KV. SMD. Package of 30.
    Diode. 1Amp 1KV. Super fast. Package: SMD. From: 1500/Reel. Package of 30. Learn More
  20. RSD - 1N3491R - Diode. 25Amp 50V.
    RSD - 1N3491R - Diode. 25Amp 50V.
    Special Price $3.98 Regular Price $4.95 As low as $2.98

    RSD - 1N3491R Diode. 25Amp 50V.

    Package: DO-21 / one lead.

    Case is anode.

    Reverse polarity.

    New. Note: Manufacture RSD.

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  21. RECTRON - 1N5400 - Diode. 3Amp 50V. Package of 50
    RECTRON - 1N5400 - Diode. 3Amp 50V. Package of 50
    Special Price $7.98 Regular Price $12.50

    RECTRON - 1N5400 Diode.

    3Amp 50V.

    Package: Axial leads.

    Package of 50


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  22. MSC - 1N4592R - Diode. 150Amp 600V. Used.
    MSC - 1N4592R - Diode. 150Amp 600V. Used.
    Special Price $10.98 Regular Price $18.50

    MSC - 1N4592R Diode.

    150Amp 600V.

    Package: DO-8 (DO-205AA) stud,

    Used/removed from equipment.

    Note: Silicon. Reverse polarity, stud is anode.

    Tested, guaranteed.

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  23. MSC - 1N4592 - Diode. 150Amp 600V. Used.
    MSC - 1N4592 - Diode. 150Amp 600V. Used.
    Special Price $10.98 Regular Price $18.50

    MSC - 1N4592 Diode.

    150Amp 600V.

    Package: DO-8 (DO-205AA) stud,

    Used/removed from equipment.

    Note: Silicon. Stud is cathode.

    Tested, guaranteed.

    Learn More
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Items 49-72 of 1049

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